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Toyota Tacoma Driver Caught Attempting To Run Over Construction Worker

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Construction slowdowns can be annoying, but they’re not much of problem if you have patience and common sense.

Unfortunately, 40-year old Shannon Carey didn’t have either when he came across a construction site in Kennebunk, Maine.

As you can see in a video shot by an eyewitness, Carey was driving a Toyota Tacoma when he came across a temporary road closure. While the video doesn’t provide a lot of context, you can see Carey was stopped by a flagger and apparently got into an argument with another construction worker who was standing nearby.

Carey then exits the truck and talks to the flagger for a few seconds. This seems to have temporarily calmed down the situation, but less than a minute later things take a dangerous turn.

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As you can see, a construction worker waves on a Toyota RAV4 and Volvo station wagon. He then places a cone behind Carey’s pickup and motions for the Toyota and Volvo to pull alongside Carey and pass him.

This apparently upset Carey, so he bumped into the flagger. Carey then stops as a construction worker opens the Tacoma’s door in what appears to be preparations to pull him out from the vehicle.

Carey then accelerates and the flagger jumps on the hood in an effort not to be run over. They eventually slide off and appear to escape unharmed. Carey, on the other hand, drives off.

It seems like there’s probably more to the story, but the Press Herald says Carey was located shortly after the incident and has been charged with reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon. According to WTB Law, that means Carey could be facing up to five years in jail and fines of up to $5,000 (£4,109 / €4,463).

Warning: Video contains NSFW language


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